Wednesday, August 22, 2007
"Allergic to Haldol"

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Random thoughts from a few cantankerous American physicians. All contributors are board certified. Various specialties are represented here. I do not know where this will lead but hope it will at least be an enjoyable read. All of the names mentioned in this blog are pseudonyms, the ages have been changed, and in half the cases the gender as well. All photographs are published with patient consent or are digitally altered to preserve anonymity. Trust us, we're doctors.
Just something to keep in mind....
ReplyDeleteYes, if someone under 60 has that on their triage sheet, they're probably Bad News.
If they're older, or have a hx of Parkinson's, it's probably a way to avoid Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. People with PD and PD-plus disorders like Dementia With Lewy Bodies, corticobasal degeneration, progressive supranuclear palsy and the like are exquisitely sensitive to conventional neuroleptics due to the neuronal changes and profound neurotransmitter deficits these diseases cause. Yes, sometimes, they appear in EDs, acutely delirious, but when IM benzos and neuroleptics can seriously injure them, it's pretty common practice among their caregivers and physicians to write as an *allergy* rather than some "bad idea" construct.
There are safe(r) and equally-effective injection options. Smart move not telling people about them. ;0)
"Haldol, if you are crazy it makes you sane, if you are sane it makes you crazy. Beautiful."
ReplyDeleteHey, that's my line!
Ahhhh, the B52, the ER nurses best friend for the care of the 'Batshit Crazy.'
ReplyDeleteapologies and props.
ReplyDeleteSCALPEL, just because i can't remember where i heard or read something does not excues me from the obligation to offering props to the originator. please accept my humble apology. gentle readers, i apologize for my almost innocent plaigiarism.
along these lines, 'batshit crazy' is a term i read on a blog 8 months ago but can not place it. i.e. i did not make it up either.
and obtw, agree about NMS, these people did not have it. they were all supra-tentorial bad actors..
No need for an apology, but thanks for the props. Actually, I'm flattered.
ReplyDeleteMuch respect.
Vitamin H...........the drugs that dreams are made of.
ReplyDeleteI'm allergic to epinephrine.
ReplyDeleteEpinephrine eh? I thought the only thing you were allergic to was sunlight, sitting in your dark dingy lab connecting body parts and hooking them up to car batteries to see if they come to life.
I love the old haldol, ativan, benadryl combo platter.
ReplyDeleteBetter living through chemistry:-)
I am alergic to Largactil, the name of the drug (which I just found out after 20 years)is really chlorpromazine. I break out in a very itchy skin rash, I don't know if/what it does to my internal organs.
ReplyDeleteI believe I developed the allergy from the torture I received as a young adult and was forced to take it.
I've had occasion (when hospitalized for being crazy)where they do the opposite of what I say, like "Don't call my parents". Right away they call my parents. I say I'm alergic to Largactil, right away I'm given some Largactil. Funny stuff.
I wrote a bit of my opinion on the ED/ER and mentally ill here
Thank goodness I'm not allergic to anything :)
ReplyDeleteOne thing to remember is that not all Haldol patients are either crazy *or* dealing with something like Parkinson's.
ReplyDeleteAdmittedly it was many years ago, but my brother was on it for management of Tourette's syndrome. Granted, the cure was worse than the disease (so to speak) and he came off of it.
Just as a touchpoint.
thanks for the "touchpoint".
ReplyDeleteI had some quack force feed me haldol in military for 3 months in 1977. The side effects were so bad that I couldn't see further than 2 feet, couldn't piss right, couldn't masturbate, afterwards they took me off my muscles crawled like snakes. I almost had a nervous breakdown. I was 18 years old.
ReplyDeleteSorry dudes but I dont trust doctors or modern medicine. We are still in dark ages of medicine. Broken bones and lacerations, and bullet wounds excepted. I dont trust psycho doctors at all.
I put I was allergic to haldol in my medical record to avoid ever having to go through that again. I would just as soon die crazy thank you. I hate to say it but I am still angry about this and wonder how many other poor souls are being treated like this.
I watched them give it to my sick father and justify it in the hospital and then again in hospice against our wishes. I hope the doctors and nurses that give it out and laugh. Burn in hell!!
Deletedear anonymous,
ReplyDeletedoes this sound familiar? i understand you saying you are allergic to haldol but in reality you do not have an allergy but an intolerance. you do not write like someone who suffers from schizophrenia and i hope you are doing better than back in '77. best.
I saw a video of a guy that thought he took valium but instead the "street pharmacist" sold him haldol. He was stuck in a giant grin and coul dnot relax his face. It's now our running joke for when someone gets uptight.
ReplyDelete"Dude, chill out, haldol! haaalllldddoooll"
I watched my family member spit and twitch and doctors lie and say it wasn't the halidol. I can not see thinking it's okay to KILL people with this poison.
DeleteI know this is an old posting but I have to put in my 2 cents work about Haldol. When I was 15 and having some stress in High School, our old family MD put me on Haldol for whatever reason. I was an A student, active in music but being treated like shit 'cause I was the new kid my Freshman year. I had a larg blister at the injection site and a scar to prove it. I took it orally for about a week. One night, my arms and legs started to raise in the air involuntarily. My mom could not push them down. My neck also started to bend backwards which cause me to have trouble breathing. I had to go to the ER where I got some sort of a shot to counteract the drug. I was told at that time that I was allergic to Haldol...that my body stored all of the meds I had taken then hit me like an overdose and that's that caused the reaction. I was totally freaked out, scared out of my mind. Imagine a 15 year old girl lying on a gurney on her back with her arms and legs in the air like a cartoon dead dog!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou did not have an allergic reaction, you had an 'extra pyramidal reaction' or 'dystonic reaction' to haldol, much different than an allergy and very distressing when it happens. the shot you got was benadryl. sorry you had this happen.
ReplyDeleteOne day when I was in the psych ward and someone took me aside and gave me an injection of haldol. The doctor walked away after she saw my "reaction to it" and I was never told what happened to me. I asked what they gave me and they said Haldol. I was so confused I did not know what was going on it was a terrible uncomfortable feeling that lasted longer than i wanted it too. I am so sorry that I said I was allergic to Haldol when asked what my allergies were. I didnt know what to make of this thing that I now know is called a dystonic reation. So now I know that I am not "allergic to haldol." I have not gone through medical school and have never been allergic to anything or had anything happen to me like this is my life. I am sorry for the confusion.
ReplyDeleteI was recently prescribed Haloperidol to counteract neck spasms caused by a rebound effect of coming off benzos. Was mildly concerned when i looked up the drug and found that it was an anti-psychotic but like a good little boy took it anyway...
ReplyDeleteIt was effective in stopping the spasms but then 7 does later i started getting Extrapyramidal reactions as discussed above which manfisted themselves in my lips puckering and my jaws chewing.
This then progressed within an hour to my throat and neck swelling and started making breathing rather...difficult to say the least.
Thats when my parents called 999. Was given various drugs en route to hospital to widen my airways then given a short of Cortisone when I arrived in A and E.
The breathing difficulties subsided but then I started getting very acute incidents of dystonia which left me looking like Edvard Munch's "The Scream". Was a pretty scary experience having my jaw cramped completely open for up to a minute at a time.
The dystonia subsided after about 6 hours but I was kept in for observation. When I was released I was told thatI was most definitely allergic to the drug!
So I guess my point is... Some people ARE actually allergic to Haloperidol and remember it's not just prescribed as an Anti-Psychotic medication!
Needless to say I'm now just on a slighlty higher dose of diazepam to ocunter-act the twitches...
dear anonymous,
ReplyDeletemy apologies. clearly, you have a true allergy to haldol. hope you are doing better.
An old post, but a goodie! I was slipped a roofie in a drink at a little pub in Raleigh. I can still picture the bastard that did that to me (two, actually, a team effort to distract me and the bartender). Anyway, with all the alcohol I was drinking, the roofy made me sick, vomit, then CRAZY. By the time the ambulance came I was screaming all sorts of things and was given the injection in the abulance (which I didn't find out about until years later when I requested the records). 24 hours later I started having muscle spasms in my jaw and neck. My tongue was thrusting out and my jaw pulling to one side or the other completely out of my control. That meant another trip to the ER. They got it under control. They told me I'd been given Ativan, so I assumed that was what had done it. However, I wanted the record as proof and recently received it to see that I was given the haldol and that muscle spasms can occur from it. I've also read that it should NOT be given with use of alcohol or other drugs (i.e. rohypnol!) so I'm not too happy I was ever given it, though I know I was out of control.
ReplyDeletedear anon,
ReplyDeleteyou probably WERE given ativan... along with 5mg of haldol. in the trade it's called a B52, and it works. there are better drugs now like geodon but the extra-pyramidal reactions from haldol are quite common and that's what you had, or 'dystonia', which was probably cured by a shot of benadryl.
Can a cocktail of Haldol 5 mg; Ativan 2 mg and Benedryl 25 mg given IM to a pt in a catatonic state who has a long MHx of psychosis (previously on Geodon, Depakote, clozapine) cause sudden death?
ReplyDeletedear anonymous,
ReplyDeletei can not give you a definitive yes or no because while literally anything is possible with any pharmaceutical (anaphylaxis for instance or malignant neuroleptic syndrome) it is unlikely to be determinable and there are many other things that are far more likely. this is a better question for a toxicologist.
Dear 911Doc,
ReplyDeleteThanks very much for your response. I'll do that.
Great site.
My ex-wife who was a nurse and my mother-in-law had me commited after I was violent and slapped her. The hospital nurses gave me injections of Haldol that made me very scared. Four nurses had to hold me down while a fifth nurse injected my upper arm. I felt burning in my arm for six days. I never talked back to my wife again.
ReplyDeleteHaldol found this site vent my issue had surgery long ago they put me under for it went restless two weeks after, did not sleep at all for almost 13 days, went to quit a few ERS. one er took me shot me up with 8mg Haldol shot got sent to a state run phcyc ward. 1st day woke up 10 hours later , got offered a vaccine took it, felt like fire hit the inside of base of my brain run down every nerve in my spine to my testical's went nuts to the point i could not tell drs what was going on, what would you call that 3 years spent in delerium, what would you call that
ReplyDeletewhatever it was, it was not, medically speaking, an allergy.
Why is Haldol given in the ER to a patient with a high BAC - say .357?
ReplyDeleteThis site has been very informative to me. I list myself as "allergic" to Haldol but now know it's was actually a dystonic rxn. However my story is a little deeper. I went to the ER when I was 16 (now 20) with a migraine so bad I was throwing up and nearly delirious with pain. I was given a coctail of Toradol/Phenergan/Haldol. (As a side-note I'm allergic to Morphine/Codeine drugs...) Then I was sent home. I only got worse from there. I was so sick feeling I don't even remember everything that went on but I was admitted for being dehydrated from puking and from being in so much pain. Eventually, I began experiencing the symptoms of a dystonic rxn. The on staff pediatrician thought I was psycho and making it up and wanted to sedate me. My mom at that point told him to leave the room and not to come back but to call the Neurologist I saw not that long ago for my migraines (migraines from hormone issues from being on birth control from having PCOS which meant skipping the placebo except a couple times a year-yay fewer periods!) Anyways, he instantly knew what was going on and said to give me Benadryl and then I was all better. So, if you were paying attention, you noticed that I said I'm allergic to codeine which is often prescribed with phenergan for coughs right? (I am for sure allergic to morphine but that's another awful story that doesn't need divulging) However I'm not actually sure if I've had that mix for coughs but I do know when I've taken Tylenol w/codeine I get very sick but not to the level of sickness of morphine. So I was told that because both phenergan and haldol can give the rxn I experienced I pry shouldn't take either. So, 1) Do you think I have dystonic rxns from one/which one or both? and 2) I'm allergic Penicillin family antibiotics and some others, should I see an Allergist? Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteI was given haldol as a PRN for anxiety in a state mental institution.
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend had just beaten me up pretty bad (the blows were mostly to my head, the lumps concealed under my hair) and begged me not to send him to jail. He then lied to the cops, telling them I attacked him and threw a table. I held up my end of the bargain and was placed in handcuffs.
Suicidal due to the betrayal, the possibility of a permanent violent criminal record, and the abuse, I asked to be taken to the hospital, where the ER docs declined to check me for any physical injury whatsoever.
At the mental hospital they decided i was violent and bipolar based solely on the lies my boyfriend had told the police, and gave me Depakote, which caused extreme akithesia and anxiety. I knew Haldol was an old school antipsychotic and knew about the possibilty for long term organ damage and extrapyramidal symptoms but chose to trust the state psychiatrist's evaluation of those risks when prescribed Haldol as a PRN for anxiety.
The resultatnt dystonia (sp?) caused my throat to swell and the muscles in my throat and neck to clench together. I could hardly speak or breathe.
I began tongueing my meds and thereafter was released within three days due to a sudden dramatic "recovery" in funcitioning in mood. I was still suicidal, but I wanted the hell out of there.
After my hospital stay I still could not stop constantly moving or rocking back and forth very dramatically all of the time unless I tried very hard to control it. Other times I would just curl up into a ball. It has been several months and I still shift from foot to foot, rock back and forth, and generally find it difficult not to make others very uncomfortable.
Thankyou, doctors. If I wasn't batshit before now I probably am.
Your posting here makes me very angry. It may be fun for you to make sane people crazy with Haldol, but it's not fun for us. I have bi-polar, but that doesn't mean I'm batshit or in need of an anti-psychotic. The local hospital here will hit you with that haldol-ativan-benadryl combo unless you are just as quiet and still as a church mouse. It is not just uncomfortable, it is HORRIFYING. It makes me unconscious, yet I'm told later what I was doing and saying. I wish I could administer it to you and let you run around unconscious with sex offenders and all manner of psychos at the county hospital, wearing only a gown.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteLet me assure you with the most assured certainty that there would be nothing but displeasure in taking care of you for the twentieth time in a calendar year. An by the way, you may be bipolar (and guess what the FDA recommended medicine for someone experiencing mania is???? Haldol! Or geodon, or similar), but you haven't tol the full story. You also have an axis 2 diagnosis as you seem to have a lot of experience with receiving haldol... If the local ER administers haldol inappropriate then FUCKING SUE THEM FOR ASSAULT AND BATTERY because if what you say is true then you would WIN!!!! But sadly, you are telling only your version o the story... Let me finish it for you... You ride EMS to the ER once every couple of weeks... Usually for attempted suicide which is usually you scratching yourself with a fork... The nurses and doctors know you by name and groan when the call comes in. You usually end up in four point restraints and get the STFU cocktail. An you are not allergic to it because... Wait for it... You are STILL ALIVE! I feel bad for your local ER.
You mean they all had to do their JOBS to treat someone for their ILLNESS!!!
DeleteHey Doc Moron!!! What kind of hatchet RN or Doctor sits around and hosts a website that defends criminal like behavior?!!! Are you Dr. Death or just some psychotic drug addicted RN who steals people's narcotics while pretending to be administering them to patients!!?
ReplyDeleteGot Lots To Say Coming Up!!!
Dear Anonymous (if that's your real name),
ReplyDeleteWhy it is I, Dr. Moron, as you suspected... Alas, I will now have to shut down this "criminal like" website... The voices sometimes get quieter if you put a large stew pot on your head to protect against the CIA reading your thoughts... Off to drown some puppies...
Dr Moron
And again "anonymous",
ReplyDeleteThe commodore 64 just can't handle the speeds of the Internet, but do go on... Even as you type I am coming to understand the evils of Haldol, especially if someone use it on some model citizen like yourself. Gotta run, your mom is paging me again...
Pussin out just as i expected and if you are using a commodore 64 your a bit behind the times as I expected and also suspect yourfleeting response is so wimpy that you must be a teenager with ADD!! Correct?!!
ReplyDeleteNo thanks, not into the whole gay sex thing... But the site is yours- make your "points" I will publish every one, and will pray for you in the meantime. Honest.
ReplyDeleteDoc Moron, keep typing, I gotta fix on your location as we speak, so careful as you leave the building!! Are you gonna get it on, or keep running from your own stupid ignorance!!? I got something to tell you if you wanna hear it, or do you wanna be a childish vindictive adolescent with nothing better to do than wait 3 months for someone to hit on your pathetic site?!! Don't Be Scared, we will not harm you!!
ReplyDeleteGuess that comment confirms means you are as I suspected, you are a wound up teen pretending to be a caregiver!! OK, Listen up!!
ReplyDeleteHaldol has a new 2009 Black Box Warning which makes it no longer FDA approved and can only legally be used with special permission from the FDA.
ReplyDeleteYeah I know how stupid caregivers can be because they are too busy taking recreational narcotics to ever do another thing after med school or nursing school. What a shame!!
Conventional Antipsychotics Get New Warning on Death Risk
Date Published: Tuesday, June 17th, 2008
Federal regulators are warning that some older antipsychotic drugs – including Haldol, Compazine, Mellaril and Thorazine – pose a risk of deaths when they are given to elderly patients suffering from dementia. The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has asked the manufacturers of these antipsychotic drugs to add a black box warning – the agency’s strongest safety notice – about this danger to their labels.
The new black box warning will involve older drugs known as “conventional” antipsychotics. Antipsychotic drugs commonly are categorized into two classes, the older “conventional” antipsychotics and the newer “atypical” antipsychotics. Both classes of drugs are dopamine receptor antagonists that work by blocking the action of naturally occurring dopamine in the brain. They differ primarily in their side effects, with the atypical drugs having a lower incidence of neurological side effects such as involuntary movements or “tics.” The conventional antipsychotics subject to the new black box warning include:
Good Job Doc I see it posted as promised!!
ReplyDelete•Compazine (prochlorperazine)
•Haldol (haloperidol)
•Loxitane (loxapine)
•Mellaril (thioridazine)
•Moban (molindrone)
•Navane (thithixene)
•Orap (pimozide)
•Prolixin (fluphenazine)
•Stelazine (trifluoperazine)
•Thorazine (chlorpromazine)
•Tilafon (perphenazine)
The FDA decided that the new black box warning was needed after two observational epidemiological studies were published that examined the risk of death in elderly patients with dementia who were treated with conventional antipsychotic drugs. The investigators compared the risk for death with use of an atypical antipsychotic versus either no antipsychotic or the use of a conventional antipsychotic. The agency concluded that these studies, along with the earlier evidence for atypical antipsychotic drugs, suggest that both classes of drugs should be considered to have an increased risk of death when used in elderly patients treated for dementia-related psychosis.
You can see that these drugs are extensively damaging and should be, and will be banned in the near future when our work is completed here. Maybe you can cross over from the Dark Side. You wanna be part of the solution not part of the problem!!
Do you still wanna debate online, or "Nuff Said"?!!!
"The FDA decided that the new black box warning was needed after two observational epidemiological studies were published that examined the risk of death in elderly patients with dementia who were treated with conventional antipsychotic drugs. The investigators compared the risk for death with use of an atypical antipsychotic versus either no antipsychotic or the use of a conventional antipsychotic. The agency concluded that these studies, along with the earlier evidence for atypical antipsychotic drugs, suggest that both classes of drugs should be considered to have an increased risk of death when used in elderly patients treated for dementia-related psychosis."
ReplyDeletei'm sorry anonymous, if i had known you were elderly and demented i would not have made fun of you.
An Apology!!? Sounds like you are coming across the threshold from the dark side, greatr!!! Abandon the puppy drowning and you have taken the next step Grasshopper!! I noticed that you have not sought a debate about mentally ill people, of which I care for regularly, so it appears that you are not a total waste of human flesh. Always remember that the brain is a complex biological component. You were not making fun of me I am 32 years old and and work with mentally impaired children. In a split moment you couild be in a horrible accident and be mentally impaired. The people on this site are happy that you hosted it, even though you are sarcastic, no one seems to care, because it is a helpful site to let people interact, I retract my insults as you cross over the threshold into the Light!!
ReplyDeleteIn the end, even Darth Vader converted.
ReplyDeleteYOU MY BOY BLUE! *fist raised and head down*
HEY!!!!!!!!!! Anon that wants to ban these drugs, think about someone other than yourself for 5 minutes! Some people actually NEED these drugs. Sure the side effects suck, they really do. But I NEED these drugs to function, HELL I NEED these drugs to survive.
ReplyDeleteYOU may enjoy being so paranoid and psychotic that you think the news reader thinks you are personally responsible for all wars and the news broadcast is alerting your neighbours and the rest of the world to your evilness and they should come round to your house and kill you. BUT I don't!!!!!
I think you need to realise that we still have very little idea of how the human body works, and very little idea of the pathology develops and affects the body in illness and disease.
People aren't perfect.
Science isn't perfect.
And doctors are people that practice science!!!!
As am I - a science researcher.
So all the complainers - get a little perspective and some education, and stop ruining it for all us 'real' crazies out there! :-p
Well. I realize this is a very old post. But... I am allergic to Haldol. My throat swelled up so badly I could not breath and I broke out with an aweful case of hives. I am not schizophrenic nor am I batshit crazy. I was given this medication to treat anxiety and depression resulting from the recent death of my mother. This probaby was not the best course of treatment given the situation and I have long since recovered from my anxiety and depression without the use of pharmeceuticals. I just wanted to point out you ought not assume so much based of one piece of any patient's medical history. Just saying. I wish I had come across this post five years ago....
ReplyDeleteI have experienced the exact same situation (except it was my father who passed away). I had a panic attack and was shot up with Haldol (I too have had no history whatsoever of a mental disorder). I immediately began to feel my throat closing up and couldn't breathe and it also made me (as people have worded here) "batshit crazy"! I totally wigged out worse and came out of my skin! The doctor told me that from then on I should list Haldol as a medication allergy.
DeleteFDA Warning: Haloperidol Joins Droperidol
When I was 14 I went to the hospital for a suicide attempt. I went there of my own free will because I realized how fucking moronic I was being.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure why I got haldol. I wasn't going insane or anything. I was vomiting everywhere though. (I ODed on 50 ex. strength tylenol and had them in my system for 6 hrs before getting help) But I was fidgety and anxious.
The next day I was still in the ER and my arm started to cramp and I was grinning a lot. I was so antsy I couldn't sit still.
When I got to the Psych ward (Btw, adult wards are fucking scary) My arm tensed up and I couldn't move it at all. Then my eyes crossed and rolled back and my entire upper half tensed up finally, to top it all off my neck rolled back and locked. I was in my room and it was night so I was trying to pretend it wasn't happening (Mostly because I saw the way the nurses handled the other patients and I didn't want to be a burden)But then I started having a seizure.
Not sure what happened after that..
They said I was allergic. Were they just putting that on my form, or am I ACTUALLY allergic?
I guess you think this is very funn but psychosis is scary and there is nothing funny about it. It certainly wasn't funny when I was administered haldol after being in a psychotic state from an amphetamine induced psychosis and almost died. I stopped breathing and had the medical doctor simply asked me before injecting I would have told of my allergy. You are a cruel person and I am so blessed for the wonderful doctors that never avoided me when I needed help. Your license should be revoked.
ReplyDeleteits been about 2 week since ive come home from the hospital, im 15 . i was given haldol and one night i was feeling suicidal and took the last 18 pills that were in he bottle. they knocked me out the next morning i woke up feeling fine went in the shower and when I got out me neck started twitching to the side, i didnt know what was going on and it just got worse. my jaw started clamping and my whole mouth was wide open like the guy in scream. my neck and my back were tensed back , my arms were tense and my fingers looked like i was playing the piano. i couldnt control anything. my mom was scraed and called 911 i got to the er and they gave me sevral doses of benadryl , the next day they let me out. later on that night i had another episode, 10x worse than he first one my mom drove me to the hospital and they gave me benadryl again this time it didnt help anything and i continued having the dystonic reaction. so they gave me cogentin . i had to take this for a week and once i got off had terrible withdrawal. i was wondering, am i allergic to haldol and can i take amphetamine without having another episode? ?
ReplyDeleteNow I'm wondering. When I was 33 I had to get radioablation of my heart (for Wolff-Parkinson-White.) The procedure was increasingly painful and I became "anxious." The doctor requested that the nurse add something to my IV to calm me down. I immediately vomited, lost all self-control and lost awareness. I came to mid-scream with a full team attempting to put shunts into both arms because I had suffered systemic circulatory collapse. During my inpatient recovery I saw big red "No Haldol" labels everywhere in my room and managed a peek at my chart which had an added notation of Haldol allergy. I assume that means that Haldol is what they gave me to calm me during the procedure. So, does that reaction constitute a Haldol allergy? And does being given it because of my reaction to severe pain make me batshit crazy or a freak?
ReplyDeleteI am schizophrenic, schizoaffective actually (which is basically schizophrenia lite with mood disorder symptoms) bipolar type, high-functioning, currently well-medicated. Haldol is fucking evil. Might as well whack me over the head with a 2x4. EPS was horrible, the akathisia and rabbit syndrome was bad enough but the focal and torticollis dystonia was horrible, my fucking neck was trying to break itself. I was so somnolent that I couldn't focus for more than 2 seconds maximum, I slept all day (or at least attempted to, being in a nut house), I had trouble moving (hypokinesia?) I couldn't hold a conversation because sentences didn't make sense to me, I could not express emotion, I had this headache that can only be described as eerie, Like a whole cortex of my brain had been shut off - dead matter. I found it hard to control my eyes which were also photophobic. I could not eat at all either. The psycho docs doubled my dose within two days, which is when this stuff reached it's peak. After nurses saw my EPS they were giving me a hasty shot in the ass of benadryl (which apparently as I heard the doc talking about it they weren't supposed to do for some reason) and the next day or so they decreased the dose back to what they started me on and then took me off and put me back on ziprasidone hlc (I had been on about a year before coming to the hospital) To top it all off - the sudden withdrawal of a higher dose of haldol fucked with my brain so much the effects lingered and I basically have forgotten the entire week upon my coming home from the psych hospital. So, In conclusion, just because I have a disconnect from "reality" sometimes does not give you the fucking right to give me a chemical lobotomy like I was a maniac on PCP throwing chairs at people or something. First generation typicals for psychosis is like using a chainsaw for brain surgery. And don't even get me started on TD or NMS. Fuck Haloperidol and fuck you if you think giving the shit out like candy is okay.